Concerning the Mass – part 19

Scripture Text: Romans 12:1–2

We are to offer sacrifices but the Lutheran Reformers wanted to be clear, not only what those sacrifices are but, what they accomplish. There is no sacrifice that we can offer or that can be offered for us.

Concerning the Mass – part 18

Scripture Text: Revelation 5:6–10

There is only one work that saves, reconciles, justifies, atones, provides forgiveness of sin. That one work or sacrifice is not something that any human being can do.

Concerning the Mass – part 17

Scripture Text: Isaiah 53:4–6

After the true sacrifice had been accomplished, all analogous and ceremonial sacrifices should cease. What they pointed toward had already been accomplished in Christ’s cross.

Concerning the Mass – part 16

Scripture Text: Colossians 2:16–19

You may sacrifice this thing or another, hoping that God will be appeased and forgive your sins. Or you might do some good work or act of penance, again, hoping that God will remove your guilt.

Concerning the Mass – part 15

Scripture Text: Romans 6:2-4

Baptism “brings about forgiveness of sins, delivers from death and the devil, and gives everlasting salvation to all who believe, as the Word and promise of God declare” (The Small Catechism).

Concerning the Mass – part 13

Scripture Text: Hebrews 10:4-10

Although there were symbolic types of atoning sacrifice in the Old Testament, true, propitiatory sacrifice was only accomplished by Jesus Christ.

Concerning the Mass – part 13

Scripture Text: 1 Corinthians 2:2

Our concern is what a propitiatory or atoning sacrifice is for Christians. For that matter, what is an atoning sacrifice for anyone during this Christian era? There is just one...

Concerning the Mass - part 11

Scripture Text: Mark 16:16

Baptism is necessary for salvation. Jesus did not say, Believe and you will be saved. Instead, he adds a work that he does to us through a Sacrament (meaning a sacred thing).

Concerning the Mass - part 10

Scripture Text: 2 Timothy 2:15

It is critical to have a right understanding. Our modern English Bible translations use the phrase, "rightly handling the word of truth." The King James puts a finer point on the phrase by following William Tyndale's lead in literally translating the phrase as "rightly dividing the word of truth."

Concerning the Mass - part 9

Scripture Text: Hebrews 10:11-14

Scripture presents Christ as our High Priest, who through his one sacrifice has taken away the sins of the world. Those who believe are justified with God by no merit or works of their own.

Concerning the Mass – part 8

Scripture Text: Matthew 26:28

The common belief was that God’s grace and mercy could be had at a price. Therefore, spiritual benefit could come from the work worked, opus operatum.

Concerning the Mass – part 7

Scripture Text: Romans 5:1-2

Peace comes to us through faith. Faith must come first, since we cannot know peace until we know that somehow we have become righteous before God. Now, any sane person knows that righteousness cannot come by virtue of human works.

Concerning the Mass – part 6

Scripture Text: Mark 11:15–17

Grace is not merited “from the work worked” (ex opere operato) by humans. It is a gift received through faith in the great work of Christ. Going through religious motions accounts for nothing without faith in God’s word of promise.

Concerning the Mass – part 5

Scripture Text: 2 Thessalonians 3:10–12

I know a man who reads his morning paper, then removes the employment section of the classified ads. He takes that bit of the paper with him on his drive to work. If someone is panhandling on a street corner, he hands them the employment classifieds.

Concerning the Mass – part 4

Scripture Text: Acts 20:7

The Augsburg Confession, of which this document is a defense against the charges of the Roman Confutation, states that “the Mass is a Sacrament for those gathered.”

Concerning the Mass – part 3

Scripture Text: Romans 10:17

One must trust the promise of God, believing with true faith. Yet, as we have said, this cannot be accomplished without the Word. One must actually hear the words of Scripture, not a babbling in another language but real, understandable words.

Concerning the Mass – part 2

Scripture Text: Acts 8:30

More than one person has proclaimed to me, as though to unsettle me, I suppose, that going to church does not make one a Christian. Well, amen to that.

Concerning the Mass – part 1

Scripture Text: 1 Timothy 4:13–16

The Reformers would not sit still for the scattered blows of their opponents’ Confutation. Twisting statements into something they are not could not be permitted, if the central focus of the Reformation was to be maintained.

Concerning the Marriage of Priests – part 52

Scripture Text: 1 Peter 1:24–25

Only God’s Word will abide. Our idle arguments will wither, our fine words and reasoning fall with the flowers at the end of summer. As they wither and fall, God’s glory will appear in full bloom before us.

Concerning the Marriage of Priests – part 51

Scripture Text: Titus 3:5

As stated when writing about the Distinction of Meats, Jovinian was a monk and ascetic in the fourth century who wrote against celibacy and other monastic traditions. He praised the virtues of marriage and was therefore, of course, branded a heretic.

Concerning the Marriage of Priests – part 50

Scripture Text: 1 Thessalonians 4:7–8

If one cannot in his own power do what God expects, that is, if he continues to sin, then he should do what God says is the answer. It is foolhardy to do what people say ought to be done when God has provided a different solution.

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