Subject to Hope
Scripture Text: Romans 8:20–23
Since man has fallen in sin, we all — the whole creation — must suffer the consequence and be subject to futility and vanity...and yet may have hope.
Since man has fallen in sin, we all — the whole creation — must suffer the consequence and be subject to futility and vanity...and yet may have hope.
Following Christ means that our whole life is a constant exercise of faith, whereby we are assured that we have favor with God because of him.
My conscience must rest upon the foundation, the eternal, all-knowing truth that God alone is truth, and must rest upon him and nothing else.
God never lays his hand upon us in order that we would be damned but pursues a course that leads us to repentance, so we would seek his grace.
Man is made in God's image and God wills that we revere his image in our neighbor, doing all we can for him, protecting him and doing him good.
In Cain, we see the hateful world, and on the other hand, that poor, abject Abel well represents the obscure little brotherhood: the Church of Christ.
"All who preach the doctrines of men make man the light, lead men away from God to themselves, and set themselves up as the true Light."
"Come what will, let us say: Here is God’s Word; that is my rock and anchor; to that I cling and that abides; and where that abides, there I abide also."
Christians are to be confident of eternal glory, to implore the Lord God to hasten the Day, for Jesus has taught us to pray, “Thy kingdom come.”
We must be able to say that we know we have God’s pledge and the witness of the Holy Spirit, that he wants to be our Father through Christ, his Son.
Experience teaches how difficult it is to keep Christ's Word, but the Christian will love Christ, his Word, and his kingdom more than all things of the earth.
Today's online Scripture jigsaw From the Word Therefore a man leaves his father and his mother and cleaves to his wife, and they become one flesh. Genesis 2:24, RSV From Luther This sentence of Adam is prophetic. For as yet there was no father or mother; nor consequently were there any children. Through the Holy Spirit Adam prophesies of that married life, which should be in the world, and predictively describes the ...
One of the sweetest pleasures of Christian marriage is not sexual, that the blessing of the sense of completeness at being merely with one another.
You may be a blessing to your neighbor because you know you are a child of God, received into his grace, and living in the sure hope of salvation.
The whole creation cries out for a speedy end of these injustices and abuses of the ungodly, and for the dawning of glory for the children of God!
If the affections and thoughts of men are without faith in God, they are without Christ and his Word, and therefore, they are without the truth.
God would have us occupy this world as guests, striving after an eternal kingdom, abstaining from lusts, maintaining a godly life of good works.
The affection of the intended husband toward his betrothed spouse is of a particular and elevated kind, a knowledge and revelation of the Holy Spirit.
Christians should love and pray for the salvation of all, for the sanctification of God’s name, the coming of his kingdom, and the fulfilment of his will.
Even in danger and death, you have a faithful Father and Savior, who has taken you into his own hand, and will preserve you. Journey on in joy.
God’s ears are open to the prayers of the righteous, looking upon you with gracious, winning eyes, his ears alert even to the faintest sound of prayer.
One may confess Christ but still deny him in deeds and works, by insisting he is his own lord through his religious observances being the way to salvation.
It is not enough that Christ be preached; the Word must be believed. So, God sends the Holy Spirit to impress the preaching upon the heart.
It is impossible to love, where no faith exists, and impossible to believe, where there is no love. Love of neighbor depends upon the love of God.
We are not condemned because we have great riches, but because we are attached to them and trust in them, instead of in Jesus Christ the Lord.