Concerning the Marriage of Priests – part 52
Only God’s Word will abide. Our idle arguments will wither, our fine words and reasoning fall with the flowers at the end of summer. As they wither and fall, God’s glory ...
Aurdal Lutheran Church We are a community of believers with a heart for God and a love of people!
We are a community of believers with a heart for God and a love of people!
Spring has sprung, warm weather has come, and the victory over death is won! Happy Easter to you ...
read moreAttended: Corey McGillis, Pastor Karen (PK), Greg Mostad, Kathy Rexine, Ken Fyre, Merle Strand, ...
read moreOnly God’s Word will abide. Our idle arguments will wither, our fine words and reasoning fall with the flowers at the end of summer. As they wither and fall, God’s glory ...
As stated when writing about the Distinction of Meats, Jovinian was a monk and ascetic in the fourth century who wrote against celibacy and other monastic traditions. He ...
If one cannot in his own power do what God expects, that is, if he continues to sin, then he should do what God says is the answer. It is foolhardy to do what people say ought ...
What makes a sinner pure? Flagellations? Fastings? Offerings? Are these the things that King David did in order to be clean after his sin with Bathsheba? King David well ...
This long argument against the demonic dogma of enforced and perpetual celibacy may seem to some as being overdone. Yet these very same problems persist 500 years later.
The Wittenberg Reformers knew something about peddlers of religion. The hucksters of indulgences plagued the lands, bilking folks out of scarce money. There were other ...