Concerning the Marriage of Priests – part 40

Scripture Text: Isaiah 55:8–9

We should never place so-called common sense before Holy Scripture. We may imagine that we understand something perfectly well, yet God’s way are not our ways. What once seemed entirely sensible to us looks quite different through the eyes of faith.

Concerning the Marriage of Priests – part 38

Scripture Text: 1 Corinthians 7:35

Marriage should never be considered an obstacle to salvation, nor as a life filled with of sins. Quite the opposite is true. The Apostle Paul praises the married life for its unique ability to keep one from sin.

Concerning the Marriage of Priests – part 36

Scripture Text: Isaiah 53:6

These false teachings come about by not understanding the principal teaching of the New Testament, the one from which all good doctrine springs, and the central tenet of the Lutherans. That principal belief is that we are saved by God.

Concerning the Marriage of Priests – part 35

Scripture Text: Psalm 51:17

Those who enjoy their ease and indolence, without the benefit of the Word of God, and having no regard for it, live their lives without worry or guilt. These conditions brought the most debauched lifestyles upon the Church, just as they do in our times.

Concerning the Marriage of Priests – part 32

Scripture Text: 1 Corinthians 1:30–31

The ceremonial code in the law of Moses, those things concerning what is clean or unclean, do not pertain to Christians. Christians are freed from all the ceremonies of Moses, not only from the laws concerning uncleanness.

Concerning the Marriage of Priests – part 30

Scripture Text: 2 Timothy 1:9

Whether or not we concur with the rhetorical comparisons used by Melancthon, we may understand his point. That is, we cannot earn the favor of God. Rather, because of Christ’s work, those who believe are regarded as righteous by God.

Concerning the Marriage of Priests – part 27

Scripture Text: Titus 1:15

Nothing is pure, if it is done outside of faith and God’s Word. An unbeliever may practice the most ascetic spiritual disciplines. He may fast, study, meditate, remain celibate, and feed the poor, but none of this is pure if it is exercised without faith.

Concerning the Marriage of Priests – part 24

Scripture Text: 1 Timothy 4:1–5

Efforts to be holy through anything other than Christ are denials of Christ and of his justification of us. Devoting ourselves to religious things such as abstinence—whether foods or marriage—is to deprive ourselves...

Concerning the Marriage of Priests – part 18

Scripture Text: Matthew 19:6–8

Contrast the hardness of humans with the mercy of God. Humans invent divorce and laws like celibacy—even forcing divorces upon those already married so that human regulation will be kept, even when it is in open defiance of God’s command.

Concerning the Marriage of Priests – part 18

Scripture Text: Galatians 5:19–21

There are those who are able to truly and consistently practice control of the flesh. But if they are not able, if they have not been empowered with restraint by God, then they should marry. This is God’s plan for us—with good reason.

Concerning the Marriage of Priests – part 17

Scripture Text: 1 Corinthians 10:12–13

Do you imagine that you are able to be virtuous in your own strength? Of course, we must rely on God’s strength, not our own. Yet we are not to rely upon his strength alone. We must also depend upon his plan.

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