We Are the Lord’s

Scripture Text: Romans 14:8–9

We may go about living our lives with good, Christian courage, knowing that we belong to the Lord. He has prepared us for both life and death.

In the Beginning

Scripture Text: John 1:1–5

What was in the beginning — even before the beginning — and where did it all come from is the subject of John's and Luther's writings today.

A Just Reward

Scripture Text: 2 Thessalonians 1:2–4

God will repay the wicked for their persecution of Christians, and he will reward Christians, though not for the reasons many think.

The Faith of Shepherds

Scripture Text: Luke 2:15–20

Do we believe the Word of God because of the revelation or because of its messenger, because it is God's Word or because of the preacher?

Our Need of the Gospel

Scripture Text: Luke 2:8–14

We are not so pious as we imagine ourselves to be. Take care of your self-regard and pious pride, for the gospel grows in the pasture of confession.

Grace Working in Nature

Scripture Text: Luke 2:1–7

Jesus took on our nature so that, through faith in him, we may be given his nature, and be made right to be with him in eternity.

For You

Scripture Text: Luke 2:7–11

The great joy of this day is that your Father has given the gift of his Son, along with the gifts of his Spirit and eternal life ... to you. His gift is for you.


Scripture Text: John 1:29–34

Jesus is the only one who can remove your sins, and make you right with the Father. Behold, the Lamb of God who has taken away the sin of the world.

The Last Message

Scripture Text: John 1:19–23

Our lives, like John the Baptist's life and ministry, should direct our family, friends, and neighbors to Christ and his gospel.

The Word-angel

Scripture Text: Matthew 11:7–10

God's Word-angel made manifest the sin and religion that would hinder the coming grace of his Christ, the Messiah, the long-awaited one.

Believe and Rejoice

Scripture Text: Philippians 4:4–7

Until the heart believes in God, it is not possible to rejoice in him. But for the believer, both rejoicing and peace are possible.

Armor of Light

Scripture Text: Romans 13:11–14

It is not enough to put off the works of darkness; one must put on the armor of light. Without the light of faith, even works we think good are not.

Spiritually Poor

Scripture Text: Matthew 11:1–5

The gospel has not the least in common with the self-righteous. They want to become rich in works, but the gospel wills that they are to become poor.

The Spiritual Day

Scripture Text: Romans 13:11–14

Christ is the Sun, the source of the spiritual day, from whom the gospel brightness shines throughout the world through the apostles' preaching.

The Peace of the Cross

Scripture Text: Philippians 4:4–7

All is well because of the peace of the cross, the peace of God, the peace of conscience, Christian peace, is the work of God that gives eternal calm.

Priestly Prayer

Scripture Text: Philippians 4:4–7

Let no one decide that he will be utterly careless and rest upon God, making no effort, no exertion, not even resorting to prayer. Prayer is trust in God.

Serving God

Scripture Text: James 2:14–18

To serve God is nothing else than to serve your neighbor in love, whether enemy or friend, or whether you can help in temporal or spiritual matters.

The Offense of Christ

Scripture Text: Matthew 11:2–6

The offense of doctrine may be the most beautiful religious ceremonies, the noblest works, so that only faith through the Spirit recognizes that it is all wrong.

Coming in Power and Grace

Scripture Text: Matthew 11:2–6

The coming of Christ will not be attended by drums and bugles and the like worldly pomp, but by spiritual power and grace.

The Promised Seed

Scripture Text: Genesis 22:15–18

We are not waiting for a Messiah and Savior yet to come. We are waiting each Advent for the Messiah and Savior who has come and will come again.

Wake Up

Scripture Text: Romans 13:11–14

For the sake of gain, we rise from sleep and go to work. How much greater the need for us to awaken from our spiritual sleep, to engage the works of light.

Well Prepared

Scripture Text: Romans 8:18–25

There is no one so prepared for the judgment day as he who fears God and longs to be without sin. What do you fear? You are well prepared for that day.

His Kingdom Come

Scripture Text: Luke 21:25–28

If we are true Christians we will earnestly and heartily join in Christ's prayer, saying "Thy kingdom come." If we do not so pray, we are not yet true Christians.

Signs of the Gospel

Scripture Text: Luke 21:25–28

Let the unbeliever doubt and despise God’s signs and speak of them as simply natural; but let us hold fast to the Word that gives us sufficient warning.


Scripture Text: Luke 21:19–28

"People will eat and drink, buy and sell, marry and be given in marriage and wrap themselves up in this present life as if they expected to abide here forever."

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