Council Minutes for January 2020
Attended: Corey McGillis, Pastor Karen (PK), Greg Mostad, Kathy Rexine, Ken Fyre, Merle Strand, Brent Kohls, Hunter Torgeson
Absent: Brad Thykeson, David Lee, Kevin Sedivec, Board Of Ed member, Kari Bakkum
- Meeting called to order by Pres Corey McGillis
- Prayer led by Pastor Karen
- Agenda- reviewed & approved (Greg/Hunter)
- Correspondence- unknown bank account found- will explore how to close this account.
- Secretary’s Report- December minutes reviewed and approved (Brent/Greg)
- Treasurer’s Report - December reports not available- tabled until next meeting.
- Trustees Report - none. It’s noted that the empty fuel tank is still at parsonage.
- Board Of Education - none
- Stewardship Report - no new report. Plan to present on online giving during services on first Sunday in February.
- WOW- none
- Unfinished Business-
- Will have the church AC unit cleaned/prepped before summer. Drain tile will be checked also
- Lighting in parsonage- Project is “done and wonderful!” per Pastor Karen’s report
- Budget - reviewed for presentation to the congregation at the Annual Meeting
New Business-
- Front door @ church has broken lock mechanism. Will be assessed by door company for recommendations on repair or replacement.
- Bell tower - maintenance issues have been noted. Trustees will have Karl Jorgenson assess for needed repairs.
- Organ/sound system - continued problems with current organ cutting out while being played, as occurred during Christmas Eve worship. Plan to get info from Riverside Church on the company they used and pursue planning/quote to install a new AV system here. Pianos to be tuned next Wednesday. Donated piano has been moved to the sanctuary.
- Help needed for Quick Books use and training - PK will check with Rhonda Nelson.
- Hunter Torgeson will find out what needs to be done to close the newly-found account (referenced in Correspondence, above). Funds to be transferred to the repair fund (Merle/Ken)
- Pastor's comments - PK will be attending the Theological Convention in Mpls Feb 2-4. Funerals done x2 last month. Church paper supplies needed will be ordered by Julie going forward. Prepping for annual meeting.
Communion helper for First Sunday - Feb 2, Kathy Rexine
Next meeting - Feb 12 @ 7pm
Closed with Lord's Prayer
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